Cast Pic

Cast Pic

The cast pic feature allows you to capture images from a mobile device and "cast" it to your mobile work force in a couple clicks. There are many uses for this technology, the most common of which is to transmit information about a known person of interest that has entered your facility.

The Cast Pic feature is found in the user context menu:

  • Open the user context menu from the main user screen and select "Cast Pic"

  • Compose your image:

  • Capture and confirm

  • From the screen above,add an optional message, and choose to cast the image to all logged in (active) users or only selected users.
  • When you are ready to cast, tap the "Okay" button. You will need an active WiFi or cellular data connection to use this feature.
  • Selected users are sent the Cast Pic automatically. The image with a text message overlay appears on the logged in user devices as a full screen image, even if SOVA is not running in the foreground. This can be useful to ensure your recipient gets the message.
  • Back at the desktop, a dispatch officer would be able to view the Cast Pic by navigating to Live Dispatch and clicking the "Cast Pic" button above the map.
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