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Dispatch screen
The dispatch screen in SOVA allows you to see live, up to the minute activities of your security team and track their movements in real time on a map. Our BackTrack feature accessible from this screen and discussed in detail below also allows you to ...
Security Checklist
Organizations face the ever-increasing challenge of securing/protecting their IT data and systems from cyber threats. To meet this challenge, many organizations end up with dozens of security point-products that don’t communicate with each other and ...
Setting ICC classification to an incident report
When creating a new incident report, you may have noticed a new dropdown option at the bottom of the form entitled "Incident Confidentiality Classification ICC". What is ICC? Setting the ICC for an incident controls various aspects on how the IR is ...
Adding default tasks to incident reports
A day in the life of a security officer can bring many tasks, from patrolling the property, scanning visitors in and out and checking identification, investigating incidents, interviewing witnesses and writing reports, reviewing CCTV cameras, and ...
Passdown report
"Passdown", as it is known in the security industry, is a brief meeting held by security officers at the conclusion of their shift to discuss and share significant events that happened on their shift with officers that are just starting their shift. ...