Default, boilerplate IR narratives

Default, boilerplate IR narratives

Maintaining consistency in your incident narratives is important for many reasons:
  1. Properly formatted narratives make reviewing quicker as admins know where to expect certain types of information
  2. Boilerplate narratives teach new officers how to write in the specific language required for effective incident report writing
  3. Pre-printed paragraphs can significantly reduce the time needed to write an incident report

Canned narratives for the win

When adding incident report types/classifications, you will notice a blank editor with caption "Boilerplate Narrative." In this editor you can enter an example of what a well written incident report should look like.


When writing an incident report, officers will have the option to populate their narrative with the boilerplate text you add in the editor above. When selecting an incident classification that has a default narrative included, they will see a button appear, which is shown below. Clicking that button pastes the default narrative into the editor, then officers can edit the default narrative as needed.


One of our clients was kind enough to share examples of default narratives he created for his hotel property. A couple examples are included below for inspiration (hat tip Kekoa)

EXAMPLE 1 - IR Classification: Trespass Arrest


On {{mm/dd/yyyy}}, between the hours of {{Start Shift}} and {{End Shift}} hours, I {{First LAST}}, was employed as a {{Department Position}} at {{Business Name}} 

At {{00:00}} hours, I was sent by the {{Security Dispatcher}} to the {{Location of Incident}} regarding a possible Trespass. I immediately responded to the scene and arrived at {{00:00}} hours.


Document and detail what you observed upon your arrival at the scene. Take notice of persons present, and items that could be indicative of what transpired at the scene. Look for blood, weapons, and other evidence to show signs of a struggle, etc. Do not insert the investigation or statements here. Indicate the conditions prevalent at the time:

Person noted to be boisterous, causing a disturbance?

Being disorderly, swearing, threatening, menacing?

Causing property damage?

Assaulting another person?

Throwing items possibly endangering others?

In the process of theft, carrying out hotel property?


Complete a brief statement of complainant, victim, and witness in this order.


Refer to attached statements completed by the complainant, victim and/or witness (signed statement required).

Determine the following:

Did the complainant recognize suspect as being warned on a prior occasion?

State the basis of request for Security assistance. 

Within a restaurant/bar, determine if the suspect had been served and reason why or why not.

If the complainant had already asked suspect to leave or had been given prior warning to cease illegal action.

IF OFFICER IS THE COMPLAINANT, use heading “VIOLATION OBSERVED” and do not document it as “COMPLAINANT STATEMENT”. This portion of the investigation could be listed under the area listed as observations. 


Document the approach to suspect, detailing the request and reason for requesting that the suspect leave the specific area. Upon approach, IDENTIFY YOURSELF AS A SECURITY OFFICER OF (BUSINESS NAME).


Detail your observation of the suspect’s demeanor and condition. EXAMPLE: Suspect’s breath smelled strongly of that similar to alcohol. Eyes were reddened, cheeks flushed, his speech was slurred.


Suspect was arrogant, disorderly, refused to cooperate, struck up a fight pose, “karate, boxing stance”, etc.


Detail how the suspect was escorted out of the area. 

FORCE USED (If applicable)

Describe in detail the resistance to cooperate by the suspect. The Security Officer will document the force he used as sufficient to control the suspect at the time and the means used. Explaining the reason such as restraint and force used for the safety of the individual.


Explain that a pat down of the exterior waist and pocket area was made of the subject and that the purpose was for the safety of the Security Officer and others. A pat down of this nature should be made on MALES ONLY. If a female is being escorted to the Security Office, her handbag or purse may be taken away from her. AT NO TIME should a body search or pat down be made of her, unless it is known, or obvious that she is hiding a dangerous weapon. The search is conducted by another female. Handbags or purses will be placed so that they remain in view of the owner, but out or reach.

INJURIES (Suspect)

If none then indicate, “No visible injuries and none complained of”. If injury was sustained, explain describe as follows: contusion to nose; Swelling to right eye; Minor abrasions to left ear, etc.


Document the offer of medical attention given to the suspect. Record the refusal or assistance given. 

DAMAGES (If applicable)

If property sustained any damage due to apprehension of the suspect, such as a broken chair, table or uniform, be sure to document and photograph. Other personal property damaged such as watch, prescription glasses should also be documented and the value should be documented.


Photos of suspect and damages are necessary.


Record the names of all persons notified of the incident, such as a Manager or Director of Security. Record the presence of the Police and identify of the responding Officer. Note the action taken by the Police.


Complete the Trespass Warning Form and have the suspect warned in the presence of the Police. Have the suspect sign the form. Indicate the suspect’s understanding of the warning. If the suspect refuses to sign, document this in the report.


Indicate if the suspect was warned prior.


Submitted for records.

EXAMPLE 2 - IR Classification: Theft 


On (mm/dd/yyyy), between the hours of (Start Shift ) and (End Shift) hours, I (First LAST), was employed as a (Department Position) at (Business Name).

At (00:00) hours, I was sent by the (Security Dispatcher) to the (Location of Incident) regarding a possible Theft. I immediately responded to the scene and arrived at (00:00) hours.


Document what you find (observe) at the scene. Note the demeanor, or the behavior of the complainant/claimant, had difficulty standing, hysterical, etc. Note obvious injuries, conditions, and condition of clothing worn (if pertinent to incident).

(Document obvious signs of search, damages (broken locks, on suitcases, doors, etc.).


List money first, largest denomination to lowest in that order:

i.e. One (1) Twenty Dollar Bill, US Currency

One (1) Ten Dollar Bill, US Currency

One (1) Five Dollar Bill, US Currency

One (1) One Dollar Bill, US Currency

TOTAL: $36.00

Describe all items taken in detail. Metals such as “gold” should be listed as “yellow or white metal”. Age of the item, condition, price at time of purchase, approximation of price if item was a gift, name of reporter’s Insurance Company should be included.


Describe theft scene in detail. If in restaurant or bar area, denote table number. Document the lighting condition/weather conditions (IF pertinent to incident). Include a diagram of the scene if necessary.


Complete a brief statement of complainant, victim, and witness in this order.


Refer to attached statements completed by the complainant, victim and/or witness (signed statement required).


Other persons that were interviewed during the course of the investigation such as bellmen, maids, and engineers should be recorded in the report in the chronological order that they were interviewed. Examples of headings should be:




If the claimant is a foreign tourist unable to speak English, an interpreter is necessary to obtain the reporter’s statement. The aforementioned heading should be used, documenting the interpreter’s name, title, and tour company and phone number. Indicate the fact that named individual was utilized as a translator. Pose specific questions to the interpreter to ask the reporter to answer, and then have the interpreter translate what was answered. Keep the interpreter under your control. Have your questions answered. DO NOT permit the interpreter to run the investigation and questioning. If possible, have the interpreter write out a statement as to what was translated


At the onset of the investigation, determine if the claimant wishes the service of the police. Inform the claimant that insurance companies accept only police reports as official reports of theft/loss.

Document the request for police assistance, including the name of the investigating Officer and badge number, OR document the refusal.


Photographs are to be taken only if it has evidential value. If a search is obvious, or there are damaged items attach photos to Photo Log.


Complete a diagram and attach it to the report as an attachment if it is pertinent. Document in report “Attached”.


Document the fact that checks were made with the Housekeeping Department and the Front Office to determine if the missing property had been turned in earlier.


Indicate all the names of persons notified during the investigation such as the Director of Security, Tour Coordinator, and Manager. The on-duty Security Supervisor should be notified at the onset of the investigation.


Submitted to (Insurance Company Name) for review.

Notice in the first example above that some text is surrounded in {{double curly brackets}}. You will want to set up your narratives in this way to take advantage of a feature we are working on. Very soon, when saving an IR, if curly brackets are found while saving, the app will show a notification to the author and ask that a value be entered in place of the text within the curly brackets.

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