How do I scan an NFC tag with my mobile phone?

How do I scan an NFC tag with my mobile phone?

Scanning an NFC tag or tour button requires a bit of technique, and the specifics can vary slightly depending on phone model. Here are the steps to scan an NFC tag in SOVA:

  • Start the SOVA Mobile app and either open the admin dashboard and tap "Read Tag", or from a logged in user screen, tap "Begin/Resume Tour"

  • Hold the mobile phone in your hand with your fingers extending a small amount over the back edge, approximately 1/2 inch (12mm), and the device screen facing you. This is the grip that you will maintain each time you scan a tour tag
  • Starting a couple inches above the NFC tag, place your fingers lightly against the wall, door, etc above the NFC tag. The NFC tag at this point will be positioned a couple inches below the phone, and there will be a gap of 1/2 inch (12mm) between the back of the phone and the wall, door, etc.
  • Slowly drag the phone down over the top of the NFC tag, maintaining 1/2 inch (12mm) clearance between the back of the phone and the NFC tag (do not touch the tag)
  • As you approach the NFC antenna in your specific device, usually located somewhere near the middle of the device, the phone should vibrate slightly and register that the NFC tag has been read by the phone and SOVA Mobile
  • If you are in the Admin Dashboard, a screen will open and you will see details about the NFC tag you just scanned, like tag ID and any tour checkpoints the scanned tag is currently assigned to. If you are logged in as a user and have started a tour, you will see the tour checkpoint turn red in your list of tour checkpoints, and this indicates that your presence at that checkpoint has been registered for the current property tour


scan nfcShows how to scan an NFC tag using a mobile phone and the SOVA security app

TIP: Getting this technique down requires some practice. Use the steps above and spend some time refining your technique. Once you get it down, it will become second nature and you will be able to scan NFC tags quickly with no delay.


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