Incident Dashboard

Incident Dashboard

The incident dashboard in SOVA is an analytical tool to help guide you in gaining a better understanding of the types of incidents that occur at your property and when those incident occur during the day. The incident dashboard is often used by security managers to assist in making better decisions regarding staffing levels and to ensure the property is maintaining an adequate level of security at the property.

The screen shown below is accessible by navigating to Business Intel > IR Dashboard. It is broken down into three charts, the Incident Class Bar Chart at the top left, the Word Cloud at the top right and the Incident Matrix at the bottom:

  1. The Incident Class bar chart shows incident types (or classifications) that have occurred over the last 30 days, which is the default setting. You can also search easily by 60, 90, 120 or 365 days. In the chart above, it appears that the majority of incidents at this location were Associate Injuries, followed by Code 2 (medical) and Guest Injuries.
  2. The Word Cloud analyzes all words used in the incident report narrative and looks for "prominence", or which words occur most frequently. Those words are shown larger in the word cloud. The screenshot above is taken from a hotel client, so it stands to reason that the word "Guest" might rank high in the list for words that occur most frequently in an incident narrative. If I were analyzing this, I would skip the word "Guest" and instead focus on the words "intoxicated", "Vehicle", "Hand" and "Injury" which all appear prominently in the word cloud.
  3. The Incident Matrix gives some insight into dates and times when incidents are reported. Along the "Y" axis (vertically) we have the day of the week, and along the "X" axis we have the time of day beginning with midnight, or "00hours", followed by "01" for 0100 hours, and so on. Squares that are a darker shade of orange indicate a higher count of incidents occurring at that particular day of week and time of day. Placing your mouse over any of the orange squares provides a popup with additional information about the incidents represented by the selected square. So at first glance, what does the chart reveal for this location? Can we make inferences and do some predictive analysis? It looks like Friday is a busy day overall and that's especially true after 12 noon. Further, 2200 hours seems to be a time when incidents are likely to occur for all days of the week, and this fact might prompt security managers to add additional security staff to their overnight shift to try and reduce the incident count for that time of day. Looking at incident report data over an extended period of time by increasing the data range in the incident dashboard above could reveal additional insights and trends into your security operation that you may wish to explore further.

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