Recording Non-Tour Tasks (NTT's) in a mobile device

Recording Non-Tour Tasks (NTT's) in a mobile device

Non tour tasks in SOVA are activities that a security officer would complete in a typical shift that do not relate to a tour. For example, an officer responding to a report of smoke coming from a trash can, or a guest altercation in the parking lot would each be examples of Non Tour Tasks, or "NTT's" for short.

In SOVA mobile, recording an NTT only requires a couple button presses, the first of which is a big button right in the middle of the main user screen.titled "Record Non-Tour Task".

When completing a task, SOVA gives you two options. First, for a typical task which takes time to complete, one icon in SOVA mobile allows starting the task, then returning to the task at a later time to complete it. That icon looks like a circle with the word "START" inside. Alternatively, some tasks are completed very quickly, and as such, SOVA provides a shortcut whereby an officer can start the task and complete it in one step, thus avoiding the unnecessary time needed to open the list of unfinished tasks, selecting the task just added, then completing it as a separate step.

The video below describes each of these options for starting and completing security tasks in SOVA mobile.

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