Tour Report Listview

Tour Report Listview

The tour report listview gives you an overview of recent tour activities. Like most areas of the SOVA web app, the report is dynamic, allowing you the ability to click to drill down into the information that you need.

  • Navigate to Reports > Tour/Patrol
  • The screen below opens:

  1. Advanced search  by officer, tour name, result, or date range
  2. Clicking a tour name opens a popup showing the checkpoint buttons that are missed most frequently for the selected tour
  3. Clicking a user name opens a popup showing frequently missed checkpoints by this user
  4. Results show checkpoints scanned / checkpoints attempted. If the ratio is over 80%, the color is green. 70-80% shows yellow. Below 70% shows red. Clicking these results shows missed checkpoints for the selected tour in a popup
  5. The action icon when clicked reveals a menu with these options:
    • View Report - Shows the tour report onscreen, with an option to download as a PDF
    • View Map - Shows a map view of the checkpoints in a popup, with tools to set the tour in motion to review the sequence that the officer took while conducting the property tour. Useful when reviewing officer activity to help promote randomness in how and when tours are done
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