Communication V2 - a new way to subscribe to notifications
Today we're happy to announce a retooling of our communication screen. This is where you can subscribe your fellow employees to receive notifications when certain trigger events happen by your security officers. If you don't know what the ...
I'm not receiving emails from SOVA
Scenario: You used to receive emails from SOVA when a critical incident was recorded, an emergency notification was sent from dispatch, or your team sent you a DAR report or a call-off attendance record. Now for some reason, you no longer receive ...
Delete Name from Communication List
Keeping your communication lists updated is very important from a security standpoint. Sending proprietary and potentially sensitive information to a terminated employee is not a good idea. Please note, SOVA may not be connected to your time-clock ...
Add Recipients to a Communication List
The Communication screen is where you can setup lists of recipients that have opted in to receive notifications about SOVA for your specific location. There are currently 22 different ways that SOVA can communicate via email, SMS and automated voice ...
Communication FAQ's
Q. I keep getting SMS text messages from 619-72O-O477 about critical incidents, POI alerts, etc. Are these from SOVA? Yes! That is the number that SOVA uses to send out notifications, so any message you receive from that number is because either you ...
Communication Screen
The communication screen found at Settings > Communication is where you can setup distribution lists of individuals to receive email and/or SMS notifications when certain events happen within SOVA. There are currently 47 different distribution ...