Adding default tasks to incident reports
A day in the life of a security officer can bring many tasks, from patrolling the property, scanning visitors in and out and checking identification, investigating incidents, interviewing witnesses and writing reports, reviewing CCTV cameras, and ...
Default, boilerplate IR narratives
Maintaining consistency in your incident narratives is important for many reasons: Properly formatted narratives make reviewing quicker as admins know where to expect certain types of information Boilerplate narratives teach new officers how to write ...
Require images for certain IR classifications
When creating incident classifications at Settings > List IR Types, we've added an option where you can set whether images are required for this particular incident type/classification. If an officer creates an IR and tries to save it without adding ...
Autosave for incident narratives
We've added a feature that automatically saves the content that you write in your IR narratives. Before, when creating an IR and submitting it, if there was a network issue during submission causing the IR not to be saved to our servers, you risked ...
Setting ICC classification to an incident report
When creating a new incident report, you may have noticed a new dropdown option at the bottom of the form entitled "Incident Confidentiality Classification ICC". What is ICC? Setting the ICC for an incident controls various aspects on how the IR is ...
Incident Report Numbering
SOVA offers flexibility in how you number your incident reports. While it might not be possible to create a numbering system that is exactly what you currently use, especially if you have a very complex system, you should be able to get pretty close. ...
Incident Report FAQ's
Q. I attached some images to an incident report and I can't get the pdf to download. Am I doing something wrong? This sometimes occurs when the images are uploaded at high resolution causing the system to time out while processing the IR for ...
Writing Incident Reports (video)
This training video describes how to write incident reports in the SOVA platform, starting in SOVA Mobile and finishing the incident report in SOVA Web. SOVA remains flexible in this regard. You can begin the IR on the mobile device, collect basic ...
Followup Reminder for an Involved Person
When writing an incident report and adding an involved person from the web, you have the option to send a follow-up reminder to a list of recipients in the Communication screen if the involved person has requested, or as author of the IR you feel it ...
Sending Incident Reports
Sending incident reports (IR's) is a simple process in SOVA, and is the recommended way to get copies if IR's into the hands of your managers. No longer do you need to create an incident report in Word or Excel, save it as a PDF, create an email with ...
Incident Dashboard
The incident dashboard in SOVA is an analytical tool to help guide you in gaining a better understanding of the types of incidents that occur at your property and when those incident occur during the day. The incident dashboard is often used by ...
Incident Report Listview
The Incident Report listview in SOVA allows you to see all incident reporting from a single screen. From here, you can view and edit IR's, review media attached to IR's like images, audio and video files, PDF's and WORD documents. There are many ...
Changing Incident Report Status
Incident reports (IR's) created in SOVA go through a lifecycle from inception to acceptance. At the various stages, authors of the IR may or may not have the ability to edit their reports, others can always send comments via email to the IR author to ...