Passdown report
"Passdown", as it is known in the security industry, is a brief meeting held by security officers at the conclusion of their shift to discuss and share significant events that happened on their shift with officers that are just starting their shift. ...
Performance Report
The performance report in SOVA allows you to compare performance metrics between members of your security team. From seeing who conducts the most tours, to who visits the highest percentage of checkpoints attempted, the performance reports gives this ...
Daily Activity Report
The Daily Activity Report, or DAR for short, gives you an itemized list of tasks that your security team completed throughout the day. The report begins at 0000 and runs through 2359. The default view shows the current day, but you are able to go ...
The tour report map is blank. What's wrong?
When you click the action icon for a submitted tour under the Reports > Tour/Patrol menu, if your screen looks like the one below, it is likely that your tour checkpoints are not geolocated. Blank Tour Report Map Screen: Here's how to fix that: ...
Non-Tour Task Listview
Tasks completed during a security officers shift are stored in SOVA with start and end times, so you are able to view report screens like the NTT Listview and see what tasks take the longest, which task is done most frequently, and even look at ...
Tour Report Listview
The tour report listview gives you an overview of recent tour activities. Like most areas of the SOVA web app, the report is dynamic, allowing you the ability to click to drill down into the information that you need. Navigate to Reports > ...
Why is the device time and NIST time different on my tour reports?
You should check regularly to ensure that the NIST time and device time are matching for your tour reports. This can provide powerful litigation support as it ensures that your device time is set correctly. What good is a tour report, where each ...