Changing Incident Report Status

Changing Incident Report Status

Incident reports (IR's) created in SOVA go through a lifecycle from inception to acceptance. At the various stages, authors of the IR may or may not have the ability to edit their reports, others can always send comments via email to the IR author to help them compose a complete report. When the report is ready to submit for review, managers can take the time to review a report without risk that the author might send a last minute edit, negating their previous review efforts. At the final stage of the IR lifecycle, property managers have the choice to accept or return the IR for edits. 

Incident Report Stages in SOVA:

Stage Description

In this stage the IR was created in Android and pushed to the web by the officer who selected to "Submit as Draft" when submitting the IR from the mobile app. This is an incomplete report, often having just the basic information included. Often users use this method when they are creating an incident report that will include images, as adding images in the mobile app is faster and has less steps as compared to adding images using the web app.

The IR  was started from the web console and is incomplete. Property admins can open these IR's to review them, but should be aware that the IR's will likely change prior to submission.

The IR has been submitted by a security user and is ready to be reviewed by a supervisor. At this stage, the IR is locked and cannot be edited by the IR author. This allows the supervisor time to complete their review, without risk that the author could update the IR while it's under review.

The IR has been rejected by the manager or supervisor for some reason. The IR author automatically receives an email with the reason for the rejection, and when logging into the web console would once again be allowed to edit the report. After the edits are complete, the IR author would again submit the IR for review.

The IR has been approved by the supervisor or manager. At this stage, the IR is locked from edits by the IR author. Property Admins can still edit accepted IR's, however this is strongly discouraged.

To change the status of an Incident Report:
  • Navigate to Reports > Incidents
  • Click the colored icon in the "Submit Status" column (see below) then click the "Change" button to the right:

In the popup that appears, You would have two choices as a property admin, either accept the IR or reject the IR. Below, we have chosen to reject the IR and have given a reason for rejection. You will note at the bottom of the popup is the history of the IR. Often times you will see the progression from New, to Submitted, to Accepted with dates and usernames for each of these status changes:

After rejecting (returning) an incident report, the IR author would receive an email similar to below telling them that an IR has been returned to them and requesting that they login to SOVA and complete edits according to the instructions given in the email, which were provided by the property admin in the screen above:

Alternatively, a property admin can also accept the IR, and then send the IR using the mechanism to send IR's in SOVA .

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