Changing User Password

Changing User Password

Changing your user password in SOVA is something that should be done regularly to maintain data security and to help prevent unauthorized access. At times, SOVA will prompt you to change your password, and this is triggered routinely based on numerous factors.

The video below describes how to change your password:

Best practices for a secure password

To help you create a secure password, here are some best practices:

Do use

  1. At least eight characters, but the longer the better
  2. A mix of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols
  3. Complexity needs to be above 30%, but the higher the better
  4. Sentences with spaces between words make for a very difficult to crack password

Don't use

  1. Your username
  2. A previous password or password used on another site
  3. Consecutive keyboard combinations such as "qwerty" or "asdfg"
  4. A complete dictionary word or obvious combinations of dictionary words
  5. Slang terms, common misspellings, or words spelled backward
  6. Names such as your company name or names of spouses, kids, other relatives, or pets
  7. Your work ID, global ID, etc.
  8. Personal information such as your age or birth date

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